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Cimon avaro/archive2

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Is that quote on the Martin Luther page for real? Honeys Ass ReversionOne/ReversionOne 22:47 29 May 2003

**The Luther quote is accurate. It is from a letter to one of his most obnoxious critics. I've been trying to locate the precise attribution from my library, but so far I haven't found the right book. (I've got more than half a dozen books on Luther on my shelves.) Samsung ringtone Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 23:16 29 May 2003

**Whups. So much for relying on this sieve of my mind. Well, it is corrected now at any rate... Haleys Ass Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 14:46 30 May 2003

Hey, about Punjabi Ringtones Socrates... I recall (from where, I cannot say) that Socrates was in declining health and perhaps in some degree of suffering and that he may have looked on the hemlock rather more fondly than most. Do you know anything about that? Nikki Hillton Live Dante Alighieri/Dante Alighieri 09:32 30 May 2003

:Hmm. Nothing springs to mind... Though I do remember some jokes that his wife's toungue was less merciful than the bitter herb. (but by modern wags, not his contemporaries) Hindi Ringtones Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 13:30 30 May 2003

:I found the reference. Well, not the primary source, but the secondary source says the following: "Xenophon says that Socrates mad such a weak defense because he welcomed the hemlock as a release from the suffering of old age". Just one problem, where in Kiss Kayla Marie Xenophon? motorola ringtones Dante Alighieri/Dante Alighieri 21:14 30 May 2003

::That is actually slightly garbled. What Socrates does say on the second page of Xenophon's ''Apologia'' is that he has thus far totally eluded the signs of old age. And he speculates that his ''daimonion'' may have instructed him not to prepare a conventional defense because that way he may exit "stage left" in his prime, before old age caught up with him. In any case, it is dubious how serious he is being. I put it down to banter at the foot of the gallows. Shelby Sweet Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 07:12 31 May 2003

P.S: The title of ''Apologia'' in English seems to be:''Socrates' Defence''. Leaving ''Apology'' for Cingular Ringtones Platos version. (Rank discrimination, if you ask me. Grumble. You may catch a whiff of POV here, but fortunately this is just a talk page. :)

Read and and tell me what you make of it. Harry Then take a look at HP's contributions to if nixon Luther Blissett, multiple name, record exists three sided football , suicide homicide Anthony Hancock Paintings and Sculptures: A Retrospective Exhibition and led more Limehouse etc.. He is making it almost impossible to extricate fact from fantasy. Is it acceptable to allow contributions from someone who has an agenda to add subtle inaccuracies into Wikipedia articles on the basis that the contributor is engaging in a form of conceptual art? charming cochin Mintguy/Mintguy 12:01 3 Jun 2003

The issue of Harry Potter's status has already been posted on the mailing list. If I feel that his contributions may contain absurdist nonsense then I will revert, just like any other vandal. charity z Mintguy/Mintguy 12:45 3 Jun 2003


So do you object to the words "As far as I'm concerned the possibility that anything you write, may contain deliberate and malicious inaccuracies is enough to warrant a blanket reversion" - or to the deed? If it's the latter - You may notice if you look at some of more recent contributions by HP that they remain unchallenged. If it's the former - I reverted said kurt Limehouse because it contained patent nonsense and placed an explanation of my decision to revert rather than edit on his page.(He has since re-reverted it). You've appear to have decided to pick these words out as a general threat that undermines Wikipedia in some way and, judging from the three exclamation marks you put in your last post, have gotten all hot under the collar about it. Well, I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. Perhaps you are the one who needs to calm down. honors including Mintguy/Mintguy 13:44 3 Jun 2003

Ok. We agree on the fundamentals. Now to the specifics. It is my opinion that HP is engaged in deliberately obfuscating Wikipedia articles by introducing absurdist nonsense; completely made up factoids; and twisted reality. It may be conceptual art or pataphysics of situationilism or I don't know what. But whatever it is it doesn't belong in Wikipeida unless it is factual or described as the fantasy it is. literary kingmakers User:Mintguy/Mintguy

If, after I review the evidence; I consider the specific facts to be as you allege, I would certainly support adjustive action at every instance where such malfeasance had occured. Only as a very surgical and localized treatment. - Cimon avaro

:I'm afraid that since debut despite Michael and his antics, it has been agreed to attempt to restore articles mangled by persistent vandals in the manner in which you describe is prohibitively wasteful of genuine contributors time and that blanket reversions are now the order of the day. luck has User:Mintguy/Mintguy 15:13 3 Jun 2003

Please provide quotes for this as a consensus of approach without a consensus of determination. can black Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 15:18 3 Jun 2003

:Er... whatever... look at Rainclouding on

No I am not writing deliberately spurious information. OK sometimes I make mistakes . . . as do others. But I am happy when the mistake about Humphrey Gilbert bringing back the black rocks from Greenland was corrected. It nevertheless the case that Gilbert was involved in financing populate our Martin Frobisher's trips and did indeed embark on an alchemical enterprise to transmute base matter into gold. The fact that he was a friend of the harriet jews hermeticist original material John Dee (and his brother even more so) should come as no surprise. Indeed most of the explorers would have read Dee's translation (the first in entire portfolios English language/English) of cars dating Euclid as this would be fundamental for their navigantional abilities. But I am also confronted by the errors of topography which exist on not just the frayed nerves Limehouse page, but on a whole host of pages across memoir movies London. As we have noted, some of the people ''"correcting"'' these pages have adopted blanket reversions on account of a very povie view that potbelly he fact and fantasy are two distinct categories, whereas I experience them as an interpenetrating dialectic unity. i.e. we can only comprehend the world through a skein of signification which is culturally constructed and which structures information. This rejection of hardline Cartesian dualism may also be povie, but then so is anyones contribution. It is the interaction of us as human beings which creates some sort of consensual reality, so the whole NPOV can only happen as a consequence of these interactions. This means we are all liable to experience frissance with people coming from cultures different or even anti-thetical to our own. OK that's life. User:Harry Potter/Harry Potter.

Why are you telling ''me'' this? Tim Starling/Tim Starling 08:04 10 Jun 2003

:Good question. Probably because you seemed intrigued by the movement that claims to follow pataphysics. If you read the original works by Alfred Jarry, You will note that starting a movement was jusst about furthest from his mind. BTW all his works are available PD on the net. Not that I am plugging them in any way or form. Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 08:15 10 Jun 2003

::Sorry, your comment on my talk page caught me off guard. Just the fact that you weren't involved in this recent pataphysics business in fact I didn't really know who you are (I've seen your name around but that's about it), and I was tired after a long day (it's now 9:30pm here). I worked out what's going on half an hour ago and logged in just to write this. Consider your point taken. Tim Starling/Tim Starling 11:32 10 Jun 2003


Olin juuri kirjoittamassa sinulle. En tiedä vielä tulenko käymään Finconissa. Suomessa varmaan käyn pari kertaa tässä kesän aikana, saa nyt nähdä sattuuko osumaan samaan aikaan. Sweconissa (Upsalassa) täytyy melkein käydä, tuleehan sinne Alastair Reynolds. :)

But anyway. Good work on the Finnish mythology stuff. I've been itching to create some more Kalevala related articles myself. Jniemenmaa/Jniemenmaa 09:54 12 Jun 2003

:Seems like Akseli Gallen-Kallela died over 60 year ago so his paintings are outside copyright according to Finnish law. Those would really look nice on the mythology pages. I added his famous Kullervo painting to that article. Jniemenmaa/Jniemenmaa 12:06 12 Jun 2003

I was about to write a disclaimer, but haven't come as far yet. ;-(

It ought to look something like:

:''I'm currently bravely and boldly writing on the history of political currents in Finland. Let me state clearly, that I am fully aware of my limited competence. I write this as a layman, and not only that but as a '''foreign''' layman with no real knowledge of the Finnish language. Since 10 years I've been visiting Helsinki frequently, some of my closest friends are there trained in, or lecturing, political science and history. But I'm by no means trying to borrow their authority. This is stated only as a complementary explanation on from where I might have got my weird misconceptions.''

:''Let me further state, that I'm almost deliberately giving space for some NPOV-ing. I do truly believe that an article would gain from considerate contributions from more than one author, and then it's maybe more efficient to write with a relative speed, initially, instead of extremely guarded. This is, however, not to say that I intend to be provocative.''

This is, so far, in regard to: National Coalition Party (Finland), Social Democratic Party of Finland, Centre Party of Finland, Vihreä Liitto, Swedish People's Party, Politics of Finland, History of Finland, Civil War in Finland, Pakkoruotsi, and Finland's language strife.

Ruhrjung/Ruhrjung 11:30 13 Jun 2003

I figured I'd leave the rest of the internal links for someone else. :-)

Hephaestos/Hephaestos 06:56 17 Jun 2003

You are just jealous of my financial success. User:Pizza Puzzle/Pizza Puzzle

:What financial success? So far you haven't had any takers. Anyway as soon as you do get some ''customers'' I will rob your bank. Don't expect any help from the wikipolice because they don't exist. user:theresa knott/Theresa Knott as Bonnie Cimon will you be my clyde?

::Robbing banks is much too much work for me. I can't even cut and paste with my textbased browser... Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 14:19 18 Jun 2003

Congratulations, you have just been made a sysop! You have volunteered for boring housekeeping activities which normal users sadly cannot participate in. Sysops basically can't do anything: They cannot delete pages arbitarily (only obvious junk like "jklasdfl,öasdf JOSH IS GAY"), they cannot protect pages in an edit war they are involved in, they cannot ban signed in users. What they can do is delete junk as it appears, ban anonymous vandals, remove pages that have been listed on Votes for deletion/Votes for deletion for more than a week, protect pages when asked to, and help keep the few protected page/protected pages there are, among them the precious Main Page, up to date.

Note that almost everything you can do can be undone, so don't be ''too'' worried about making mistakes. You will find more information at '''Administrators''', please take a look before experimenting with your new superhero/powers. Drop me a message if there are any questions or if you want to stop being a sysop (could it be?). Have fun! Eloquence/Eloquence 14:24 19 Jun 2003

As requested, I've moved the Finlandia vodka information, although I have no idea how to get it to be attributed to you. You can't cut and paste with your browser? That must be frustrating.

Zannah/Zannah 16:06 22 Jun 2003

Hi! Thanks for your Requests for adminship/endorsement! I really appreciate it! Poor Yorick/Poor Yorick 22:54 22 Jun 2003

:Totally get cha. If someone goes rogue, can't just sit by eh? Poor Yorick/Poor Yorick 06:58 23 Jun 2003

Remember, friends don't let friends drink and edit. ;) JohnOwens/John Owens 04:28 25 Jun 2003

Well, "Metrobius was a famous actor and fucked Sulla." is hardly an encyclopaedic way of saying things. :-) Evercat/Evercat 02:00 26 Jun 2003

Granted :-) Cimon avaro/Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick 02:05 26 Jun 2003

I undeleted it and wikified it a bit. Evercat/Evercat 02:08 26 Jun 2003


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